The “Please Stay” Design was created and drawn by Brydie.

we will be donating 10% of our profit from this design annually to an organization that supports Mental Health and Suicide Awareness & Prevention.

*Trigger warning*
We have unfortunately one of the highest rates of mental health-related illness and suicide in the world.
The inspiration for this design has come from losing someone close to me this way.
I know that these two subjects would have touched almost everyone if not everyone reading this, and that breaks me.
I’ve felt useless since losing my friend… but seeing what others have done around me has inspired me to get working on this to donate towards Mental Health, Suicide prevention, and awareness in Aotearoa.

Design explanation:

The flowers represent all of us, we all look ok on the outside,
but internally we may be battling something no one can see.
One heart is broken,
One flower has a sad expression.
Just because someone looks ok outwardly, doesn’t mean they are ok….

The “Please Stay” design is meant to start a conversation, the words “Hope “ & “Help” inside of the flowers represent what each person may be carrying with them.

Some of us have Hope, some of us are internally screaming for Help….

Remember you are loved, don’t underestimate the void you will leave if you go, Please Stay.